Tuesday, December 4, 2012

And now for something completely different...

In honor of the holiday season I present my own personal version of the tradition of the Advent calendar, entitled, 21 Days to Christmas: A Countdown on the Dangers of Religion

Every day, from now until Christmas, I will add a new, fun little tidbit on why religion is socially crippling. I'm not saying that it's bad to believe in a higher power, I do. I'm saying this is what happens when religious charlatans manipulate the emotions of large groups of followers to the detriment of society and, indeed, mankind.


This guy is on the House Science Committee.

Wednesday, September 5, 2012

396 Days Later

It's been a while since I've posted: to the tune of over a year. I've finally gotten off my lazy ass and gone back to the books in hopes of attaining that wonderful designation of PharmD so that I too may one day be an ass-hat douch-canoe pharmacy intern and subsequently a decent pharmacist.

On any educational journey, starting from scratch sucks. Really though, it's awful. I know that it's important to some to be a "well rounded student", but I wish that I didn't have to endure some of the crap that is less than pertinent to my chosen profession. Don't get me wrong, I've managed to do well even in the classes that I don't care about, but I wish I could expedite the process.

But on to important things, like pharming.

I had to all but quit at my tech gig to go to school; fortunately for me, my chief pharmacist is a proponent of education and sees some potential in me that I don't and has allowed me to work only when I can (read - have the energy to). That being said, I left a vacancy at the phunny pharm that had to be filled: enter the deceiver. The technician that has filled those shoes has catalyzed a social reaction that was just itching to happen. My once peaceful and amiable place of business has been transformed into a cess pool of two-faced, backstabbing, clique-y nastyness. Now, instead of a group of technicians who mostly get along, there stands two factions: The Coven and the rest of us.